DIY plumbing pipe used to make a built in desk in my home office.
“cloffice” (closet-office hybrid)
The state of my “cloffice” (closet-office hybrid) is almost always a direct match for the state on my inner world.
One look at my desk and you’ll know where in the scale of overwhelm/somethings going on, I am. Right now I’m at about an 7/10.
My Cloffice is creeping up to an 8.
But before everyone freaks out and checks in on me, asking if I’m okay and how they can help, know that it’s not always bad to be high up there on the scale. Sometimes being at a 7, 8 or even 9 just means we are living a big, full sometimes stressful life. Because that’s how we grow. That’s how we change, that’s how we make our dreams come true.
So I’m at a 7/8 right now, but I’m deciding that’s cool.
I’m here because I have exciting stuff going on. So when I’m overwhelmed, or running on fumes and just want to nap or ride my bike non stop, instead of doing the things that move me forward I remind myself:
“This is what a full and exciting life feel like”
There’s nothing I would willingly take off of my to do list:
+We launch our film in about a month!
+We’re finishing the last teeny tiny details of the trailer.
+The Beautifulfamiliesproject.com site is coming any day now.
+I’m working with some of my very favorite clients ever this fall. Truly. Sometimes I wonder how I get so lucky to work with the peeps I do!!
+School starts back up in a couple of weeks. I have so many pairs of shoes to buy! Lord almighty!
Super late this evening @declaredominion and I jump on a redeye flight headed on a romantic, just the two of us warm beach vacation.
4 nights 5 days of just us, the sun and the ocean.
I guess other humans will be there but we won’t know them.
They won’t know us.
They won’t require us to make them dinner for sure.
Definitely we won’t be fighting about their screen time.
Nope. None. ahhhhhh I can feel my tension unfurl at the thought of it.
This year has been a particularly rough one on our relationship. We’ve missed each other more times than we’d like to admit. We’ve not been the best at fiercely protecting us as a couple, and part of turning back to each other is making the space and setting the scene to do so. This vacation is all about us.
So it’s cool that I’m creeping on an 8.
I’m going to make some coffee, put some music on, clean my office and lean into the overwhelm so I can also lean into the peace of vacation!
What are your tells when you’re feeling too much? Do you have any? I bet you do.
Relationship Hack: tell your loved ones your tell when overwhelm is kicking in. It’s a way that they can know when you need support, before you think to ask them for it.
Until I return friends! Until I return!