“But what about the kids?”
People asked me about them all the time when I first came out as trans.
Like I had somehow forgotten I had these 5 small humans to love and take care of.
“You’re right, I forgot about them! I always do that!” I would snap back on my feisty days.
Of course I had thought about them.
Sweet lord baby jesus, they were all Katherine and I had considered.
The truth was, though, they were never concerned with how the world saw me.
They were only ever concerned about who I was to them.
How I loved them, and tucked them in and brushed their hair and tickled their backs at night. As long as those parts weren’t going away, as long as my love was still overflowing for them, then nothing else really mattered.
Rewriting Fatherhood, FTM MAGAZINE FEATURE
<img src="https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5c3f7d6796d4559f9167892c/1560659687744-FL35KIBHWU3SR1IIEV8M/ke17ZwdGBToddI8pDm48kNNAnceu0X6stCLRA50Rk317gQa3H78H3Y0txjaiv_0fDoOvxcdMmMKkDsyUqMSsMWxHk725yiiHCCLfrh8O1z5QHyNOqBUUEtDDsRWrJLTmSONVZECWFjIvy_vorEiKE9NnnPoTYaHfaM7Yru-NwegsggY--LmeexbVUD4d_gfp/NICK+NORTH+FTM+MAGAZINEpng" alt="NICK NORTH FTM MAGAZINEpng" />
I’m lucky to have a family who loves me no matter what
I try my best to pass that privilege on by being a visible representation that you can be trans and have a big, beautiful fucking life.
Even if you’re sad a lot.
Even if you wish you weren’t trans.
Even if everything doesn’t go perfectly.
No one’s life does.
I’m choosing to thrive anyway.
THANK YOU to FTM MAGAZINE and KOTY BALL for telling my Father’s Day story.